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06124 Perugia
via campo di Marte 2/s




Half day

Home 9 Italia 9 Umbria 9 Orvieto half day

Orvieto Half day

The tufa houses, roofs, towers and campaniles of this city spring from an isolated, almost inaccessible crag set amidst gently rolling hills on the fertile and peaceful Tiber valley.

IN THIS TOUR YOU WILL SEE: The quarry well, Piazza della Repubblica, Ripa Medici, il Duomo, la Rocca
The tufa houses
It dates between 12th and 14th centuries
Major monuments

The tufa houses

The tufa houses, roofs, towers and campaniles of this city spring from an isolated, almost inaccessible crag set amidst gently rolling hills on the fertile and peaceful Tiber valley.
Orvieto was first inhabited by the Etruscans, who founded the legendary town of Vesna which was then destroyed by the Romans in 264 bc.


It dates between 12th and 14th centuries

The town of Orvieto we know today is built on tufa and connected by a thousand wells and channels dug out of the stone. It mostly dates back to the age of the free city states between the 12th and 14th centuries.


Major Monuments

The major monuments were all built during this period and the ceramic industry that still survives today also began to flourish at that time. Medieval processions still parade along the peaceful streets: one good example is the appealingly theatrical Palombella, held each June on Pentecost day.


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